Winter Wedding

John & Kelly New Year's Eve Wedding at Plymouth Comman Man

Kelly & John said goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 with lots of positive outlook as a newly married couple. A very nice and easy going couple today we took advantage of the daylight and no rain or snow for some outdoor photos at the Common Man in Plymouth, NH. Thanks for being so awesome and it was great to be a part of your wedding today. You have a great family. So that's the way it goes on this crazy 2020 wedding season, here's to a year that's anything better than this past one for all.

Best wishes, and Happy New Year!

Chrissy & Dave's Wedding at Atkinson's Country Club

Braving the cold weather and what a difference a day makes a chilly wedding day for Chrissy & Dave at Atkinson's Country Club. Wonderful couple and easy to get along with is what I can say about these two. Another downsized wedding but making the best of it for sure. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding.